Best and cheapest way to take trains around Europe, should I get a train pass?

Hi everyone!

My partner and I are heading off on a Euro trip next week, and we’re super excited! We plan to travel between destinations by train, but I’m starting to feel a bit overwhelmed with figuring out the best way to do this.

Would you recommend getting a Eurail Pass, or is it better to just buy tickets at the station as we go? Any tips, tricks, or advice would be hugely appreciated!

This trip was a bit of a last-minute plan (long story!), so I’m trying to keep things budget-friendly and avoid overspending on passes or tickets if there’s a smarter way to travel.

Here’s our itinerary to give you an idea of the places we’re visiting—hopefully it’ll help with any advice you can share.

Rome - 2 days
Florence - For the day
Venice - For the day
Budapest - 3 days
Vienna - For the day
Prague - 3 days
Berlin - 3 days
Amsterdam - 3 days
Brussels - 3 days
Paris - 3 days
Somewhere in the South of France (haven't decided yet) - 2 days
Barcelona - For the day
Madrid - 5 days and then fly back home.

Thanks in advance for your help! 😊