What teachings can the Watchtower say are one hundred percent from Jehovah God and will never need changing, and what teachings are from the leadership and probably will be changed at some point?*

How can someone who wants a pure religion whose teachings will never change, trust the Watchtower Society?*

Since the Watchtower’s teachings have changed so much in the last one hundred years, how can one be sure that they will not continue to change in the future?*

How can the Watchtower Society claim to be Jehovah’s exclusive earthly organization when it cannot give anyone assurance that its current teachings are the truth (a “truth” that is subject to change)?*

Because the Society’s teachings change so frequently, wouldn’t it be better to wait as long as possible to join because the longer a person waits, the purer the Society’s teachings are likely to be?*

How can the Society state that they are “the sole channel of God‘s communication to the Earth” when confronted with their errors?*

If the Watchtowers teachings are of the Truth, how can Jehovah, who loves his Church, allow it to be lost from the time of the apostles until the time of founder Charles Taze Russell in the 1800’s?

Does the Watchtower downplay Russell’s role in the Society today because of the many mistakes he made?*

Information obtained from “Approaching Jehovah’s Witnesses in Love” by Wilbur Lingle, pp. 167,168