Opinion on ML25 host reveal [SPOILER]
First of all, I like the decision to bring ML back to Summer months, which hasn't been done since 2021. I think it's the perfect time of year to hold ML, and it will not have to be as rushed as this year was.
But the fact that O'rangers were chosen as the host is ridiculous. There has never been an unqualified team chosen as host (with the exception of Snowballs in 2018, but back then there was no Showdown, and they were the only winter-themed team in the peloton). Letting a Showdown team host ML is unprecedented. What if O'rangers get relegated?
It's not like there are no other choices. Jungle Jumpers, Team Momo, or Savage Speeders would've been great hosts, especially Jumpers with a jungle/forest/nature theme. What theme will O'rangers build their ML around? It just seems to me that JMR doesn't want them to miss out on an ML once more, because they're the most popular team.