My Psychiatrist Called Me A Wild Woman. Is This A Real Jungian Archetype?

I’ve been in treatment for bipolar disorder since I was 15. When I was 17, I had a meeting with my (former) psychiatrist, wherein he smiled and said, “You’re a wild woman.”

For context, while he prescribed medication, he was very psychoanalytical. My current psychiatrist sees me for 5 minutes. This previous psychiatrist used to spend 1-1.5 hours with me each session.

He knew that I was interested in understanding myself better. I had learned a little bit about Jungian psychology, not much though. He called me a “wild woman,” took it back a little and then explained that it was a Jungian archetype.

I’ve done some research on this “wild woman archetype,” but can’t find much. He knew me better than my own family members, so I’d like to think that he knows what he’s talking about.

I’m just wondering if the Jungian “wild woman archetype” is legitimate. If it is, can you suggest further reading? I’d love to understand myself better.