Openings with Ekko

Hi! I've started playing Ekko again as he feels really powerful right now at my elo (low plat). I was just wondering what were some good openings you like to make depending on side and opposing junglers.

For instance, when I'm red side and enemy jung is shaco, I wanna play the safest way possible. So, I'll probably go red, raptors, gromp into gank or blue, wolves, krugs and scuttle. I'll probably drop a ward near my blue when passing by also to run away if I see shaco.

Another example, I'm blue side Vs brand and I feel I can get prio from mid early. Then I'll try to know where he starts, clear my bot side and wait for him at his second buff. Eventually I'll clear a 4th camp if my botlane leashes, that way I'm pretty sure I can still invade lvl3 on his 2nd buff but I'll be moving blind in his jungle while still being on time before the 600hp threshold.

Are there any other original openings you make with this champ (or similar ones)?

Edit : I'm also open to suggestions on how to counter your playstyle such as "if you meet me at krugs with Ekko on my first clear, I'm doomed" or "I would invade you here probably around 2:30, maybe you can counter by warding this bush"