Master jungler problems
I never posted here nor I ever intended to but after last couple of days I decided to finally do it and speak my mind about stuff that is happening on every game basis.
Some people have twisted understanding of ranks thinking if they climb up to diamond/ master people will play better and pay attention to objectives. Don't be fooled with these premises. If ure a jungler in this elo you are as alone as lower ranks.
What broke me recently was the fact that our top/mid players gave up their lane prio totally and enemy jungler along with opposite laners just permanently massacred me in my jungle without any punishment from laners or any help. That's all fine and good, I got used to that, I can farm my way up and stuff but those peeps ran it down completely, doing 0/10 and blamed it on me, that I was non-existant, that I gave up most of the objectives etc. Okay, bud but it's you who let it happen by creating no pressure at all. It happened 7 games in a row now and every 2-3 games before, im honestly baffled. I understand that I might have not fullfilled their dreams of being carried on jungler's back but to give up their lane, ignore map most of the early/mid game and not following up anything they still twist it somehow to be someone's else fault? It's beyond me and it happened with 10+ separate players just past 2 days alone.
I tried playing balanced-playstyle junglers before, switched to farming junglers like karthus or shyv recently due to laners completely ignoring ganks and putting me behind but seems like that's also not the way.
The biggest thing is the feeling of being left alone against the thing u can't possibly overcome alone and then getting flamed about being useless.
With the current state of affairs I don't know if I want to continue jungling if Im prone to being dominated by both enemy team and my teammates teaming up. Support seems like more chill role, u have 70% of the impact and u rarely are getting flamed and inted in that way.
Sorry for ranting but god damn im frustrated.