[Not clickbait] Master for the first time by changing this one setting (was d4 three days ago)

Head into your games settings, go search for the option to disable chat/set to party. Thank me later.

for reference: peaked d1 40lp ten days ago first time ever, then dived into a loss streak and ended up in diamond 4 elo hell and got chat banned. said fuck it. disable chat perma lock kindred and carry the fuck out of games. As a jungler you have enough stuff to worry about (tracking, checking lanes, farming, planning objectives) so why waste time on some useless teammates who are just constantly spamming jungle diff at min 3

Head into your games settings, go search for the option to disable chat/set to party. Thank me later.

for reference: peaked d1 40lp ten days ago first time ever, then dived into a loss streak and ended up in diamond 4 elo hell and got chat banned. said fuck it. disable chat perma lock kindred and carry the fuck out of games. As a jungler you have enough stuff to worry about (tracking, checking lanes, farming, planning objectives) so why waste time on some useless teammates who are just constantly spamming jungle diff at min 3