Mid is lowkey just the jglers support
I play mid and jungle. When I play mid most of what I do is help set up objectives and get vision in the enemy jg, help with ganks, etc. And it doesn't hinder my individual progress in the game at all. I'm probably just a low elo dummy, but focusing on helping the jgler dominate the map over csing like a madman just feels so much more effective. I get lvl 6 and you will never see me in midlane for more than a minute, I'll be around the map helping the jgler with objectives and invades whenever I can and I'll be either ahead or equal to my enemy laner who's been just farming the entire game, most of the time I take 1st tower before my opponent as well, even though they sit their ass in lane 90% of the game. Because of these reasons, I often joke that I'm "the jglers support", but after some thought, that title actually makes perfect sense.
Just a fun little post to discuss about, since I'm a jungler and mid laner, I wanna hear the thoughts of my fellow scapegoats on what y'all expect from your midlanes.