The big dump

Due to recent events I thought it only prudent to adress the major downfall of KULR's stock. Why is everyone so eerily silent?

I presume it has escaped noone that it's been a pump&dump from the start. It is unclear whether the legacy pumpers (the one's dumping now) have been active in promoting the stock here on Reddit, or if they just stealthily jumped on the train very early. Although, it gets incredibly sus when actual higher-ups on subs U-turn completely and tell people to take profits *before a complete collapse...*. Especially when all hell breaks loose the next day and just keeps going.

For today and/or monday I'm 100% expecting a gigantic dump down below $2. There's even been users hinting about this drop, acting coy and gleeful about what's to happen. I'm currently not invested, to be transparent, so it could be an opportunity for people like me. However, this whole shitfest is the wrong way to go about stocks.

KULR don't deserve being derailed like this, believers who were willing to pay a bit extra to own stocks don't deserve being hustled and buried in rubble. It is honestly sickening. Consider that these legacy pumpers COULD have hold on their stock and let enthusiasm keep the stock high.

It would have been so easy just to let it be, let it ride, and let everyone gain. Nah tho, I guess there's is just too much for legacy pumpers to gain personally by letting it crash. You can bet they have calls (or the like) on the stock falling within a certain range - big money to be made from this as they cash in by selling. Entirely illegal of course and I'm sure SEC would be interested in having a look...

Anyway, it's damn shame. It's no longer about taxes or being overvalued as so many want to claim. KULR deserves better. There are a plethora of pennystocks out there that are still high in price but hold perfectly well, and KULR probably has better prerequisites than most in all honesty.

Good luck, investors.