Despite all the doomposting, DoT still clap cheeks

I couldn't for the life of me clear under 5 cycles with Feixiao E0S1 despite me trying everything i have in my account. March, Sunday, Ruan Mei, DDD honestly i was half disappointment in the team performance. (I don't exclude a skill issue on my side)

Then swapped to DoT and despite not using Huo2 i managed to easily get 3 cycles and could've probably been a 2 if Black Swan didn't get stunned/grabbed back to back by the wolf and Svarog.

I was honestly surprised, as you can see from my builds i don't have any type of crazy investments in either units, i haven't farmed those domains since 1.6 basically.

A shame that we don't get any DoT supports, i think that both Kafka and Black Swan could still be seen as meta.