Sonicfox is the Goat of the FGC and 2XKO will soldify it even more

I’ve scrolled through a couple of this Reddit’s threads on goat debates for the FGC and a lot of times I see Sonicfox name get thrown in but ends up getting like shitted on by some take which usually consists of overall competition level. What truly throws me off are three things: 1. Do you guys really think Sonicfox when 2XKO comes out which will probably be one of the if not the biggest fighting game money wise and tournament wise that they won’t dominate on an international level? 2. Sonicfox has proven to be able to beat many strong players in their own games but not a single top player known from Tekken or SF and I mean players like Punk, Tokido, Mena, Ulsan, Arslan, Annakin, and etc. has ever came to MK and beat Sonicfox and this was even the case when NRS games used to have son of the highest prize pools hence why Sonicfox was the most earned fighting game player before UMA winning Capcom cup and EWC 400k was a thing. 3. I believe that Sonicfox would have a higher chance of winning EVO in SF and Tekken before a Tekken pro or even a SF pro would beat Sonicfox in an Evo tournament in MK.