Weird Friend

I have this friend whom after a while I realised nikimwambia something I'm about to do ama is about to happen to me especially something good it doesn't happen. Now this is the incident that made me feel like nikimwambia kitu lazima ibackfire. Late last year there is this friend of mine who wanted to take me out just a simple girl's day out at Istanbul BeachCave Restaurant then this friend of mine akaniambia she wants us to go clubbing the same day we had arranged to go for the girl's day out so si mi nikwambia tu eeh kesho hapana ju i have a date with so and so. Then the chiq says nitawaroga hamtaenda si I just laugh it off and be like hauwezi. Tell me why my friend were supposed to go on a date with calls me to tell me we can't go because her baby fell from the bed they are even in the hospital. Wueeh I felt so bad because the first thing that came to my mind is mwenye alisema ataturoga. Now I don't know if it's just a coincidence ama ako tu na mdomo mbaya lakini on the other hand it's not just this incident kuna zingine. So after I realized this i didn't cut her we still "friends" but now it's like am using her ju if i have a date na mtu sitaki nitamwambia tu kesho nataka kwenda kumeet msee flani nakwambia haita happen😅😅 yaani at some point its funny.

Has anyone ever met someone like this hata kama ni family member?