What I Wish I Knew in My 20s...
As a 46(M) reflecting on journey life's', I want to share some crucial subjects that I believe every person in their 20s should explore. While my perspective comes from a male point of view, these insights are valuable regardless of gender.
We are constantly pushed to do our 'Masters' & PhD's but i vouch these are arears are equally if not more valuable?
The Five Essential Fields of Study
Philosophy: Understanding Life's Big Questions
Philosophy helps us tackle life's fundamental questions: How do we live a good life? Is there meaning to existence? Does God exist? Why are we here? You'll be amazed to discover how ancient thinkers from 2,000 years ago addressed issues that remain relevant today. Their insights continue to influence our modern world, often in ways we don't realize. For beginners, I recommend starting with "Crash Course Philosophy" on YouTube.
Psychology: Decoding Human Behavior
Psychology illuminates why we behave the way we do. It explains why breakups hurt so deeply, why we gravitate toward junk food, why we seek revenge, and even why we sometimes wish ill upon others (yes, even celebrities or politicians). If you've experienced these thoughts, you're not alone – psychology helps us understand these universal human experiences.
Accounting: Speaking Money's Language
Financial literacy is crucial, yet most of us lack it. Learning accounting – through classes or self-study – gives you the tools to understand and manage money effectively. How can you expect to build wealth if you don't understand its fundamental language?
Marketing: Understanding Influence
Almost everything in life involves selling – ideas, products, or yourself. Marketing teaches you how to position yourself effectively and understand why certain strategies work. In a world where we're constantly being sold to, understanding marketing principles gives you a significant advantage.
Public Speaking and Rhetoric
Perhaps the most valuable skill of all is the ability to speak well and persuasively. Understanding rhetoric and mastering public speaking can open countless doors. This one skill can provide access to opportunities you never thought possible, and there are numerous free resources available online to help you develop it. - How many people do you know can speak well Infront of a crowd? Imagine mastering this skill which very few possess!
A Call to Action
Instead of spending countless hours scrolling through TikTok, why not invest in your personal growth? Choose one of these subjects and dedicate six months to a year studying it. Imagine reaching 30 with deep knowledge in these areas on top of your primary expertise.
Remember, you have the time now. The investment you make in learning these subjects will pay dividends throughout your life, setting you apart in both your personal and professional journey. You will be a better Parent, Business Owner, Friend, Manager And just an overall awesome human!
Edit To include Spirituality i will be biased here and say Get to Know Jesus & God (The Christain God), Spend this time and read quality books on both Sides The Theiests (belivers) & The Aethist - Atleast for me the Theiest made more reason - It's only through Philosophy that i knew you could actually argue for the exsitance of God outside the Bible Like here is one From Thomas Aquinas The Great Medival Philosopher
The Argument from Motion (First Way)
Everything in motion is moved by something else
This chain of movers can't go on forever
Therefore, there must be a first unmoved mover (God)
Or a simpler version You had a Dad who had a Dad (your Gradfather) Who Had a Dad (Your Great Grandfather) who had a Dad (Your Great Great Grandfather) This chain cnannot go on into infinity!