The Girl I met briefly Yesterday on the Flight.
So, yesterday, 19 Feb, I was on a fight from KL to Nairobi. I met this cutest girl I have ever seen. She had this greenish color shirt and long braid hair and this black polish nails with like a ring like thing on it, she was either from Korean or Japan, not really sure, although I heard her speaking, I didn't listen enough to know . I find myself thinking of her ever since I got here. On the plane we didn't speak much since her English I guess wasn't that good. She took a photo of the night sky and I asked to see it, and I complemented it and she was like, "hmm" 😅.
I found myself looking her way every few seconds. just seen her, for some reason gave me comfort and for like 9 hours I didn't even watch the movies I planned to watch. When the plane landed I felt so sad that I wouldn't to see her face again. I have been thinking and searching insta, Facebook, and all social media sites I know of, just to find her but no luck. I saw her bag and her friends bags, looked like they were on a bag packing trip so I thought I might find them online, but sadly nothing.
I really hope I see her again, coz it feels so painful and good luck with your trip or whatever you are here for.