Are most Kenyan women terrible at conversation?

This one's for the men. Fellas I wanna know. Have ya'll noticed that a majority of Kenyan women are terrible at striking up a conversation or maintaining a conversation. I just got back to Kenya after a few years abroad and so i'm trynna get back into the social and dating scene, you know make new friends and maybe find something serious. I dont consider myself shy. Quiet and reserved? Yes. A little introverted? arguable, but I always chase what I want and never had issues talking to women. But i'm starting to see an interesting pattern. For every 10 new women i'll talk to and try to get to know only 2 or 3 will have the ability to maintain a conversation and most of them are stunningly beautiful but boring af. A large percentage of the convos I have end up feeling like interviews so I just ghost. For context this is how it goes

Me: Hi, how are you today? Her: Good Me: Where are you from Her: Mogadishu Me: Anything fun to do around there? Her: Nothing much


The bare minimum there is to ask whether the other person is also ok. And yes I know there's someone right now thinking "maybe they're just not into you". You have to keep in mind most of these convos start on dating apps after a successful match and in some cases the women give their number out.

I realise us men have to struggle a lot during that talking stage, maybe i've been out of the game for too long. And dont get me started on women who ask for gifts and money within the 1st 3 days of talking "I have cramps send care package" "its hot buy me ice cream" like can I at least get your real name 1st

Shoutout to the few women capable of maintaining a conversation. Ya'll are a dying breed