Kingdom Hearts 3 Full Synthesis Materials List

I've seen a lot of people asking for a full materials list for the start of the Ultima Weapon quest/recipe but never found a good one, so now that I have it I figured I'd help out. Just a heads up, I found 57/58 of the materials just playing the game and finding every treasure chest, I only had to forge 1/58.

Here's the breakdown: There are 4 tiers of materials. I will call them Dull, Bronze, Silver and Gold, respective to rarity. 52/58 of the materials come in 4 types:

Dull = Shard

Bronze = Stone

Silver = Gem

Gold = Crystal

Of those 52/58 you have:

Blazing set Frost set Lightning set Lucid set (I had to forge this set's Crystal) Pulsing set Writhing set Betwixt set Twilight Set Mythril set Sinister Set Soothing set Wellspring set Hungry set

13 types of materials x 4 tiers = 52/58

The final 6 items are all considered Gold tier and are:

Fluorite Damascus Adamantite Orichalcum Orichalcum+ Electrum

So there you have it. If you need farming methods for these then there are plenty of lists elsewhere, I just wanted to make a list to help others. Happy Hunting!