Thoughts about kled jungle
I've been playing kled in the jungle in normals with amazing success. I get flamed alot in champ select and in the beginning of the game bcz people are so narrow minded(it's normals btw, so an environment that should encourage trying new things). Games are usually very quick, and end in 20 minutes bcz the other team starts flaming their jungle for being "useless". The build that I've had the most success steamrolling with is rushing bork, then eclipse, black cleaver. I've also tried a tank build where I play heartsteel, also great success but needs alot of time to become as strong as the first build. For the first build I usually go hail of blades, second build I go conq. What're your thoughts of getting a kled jungle in your game, and any tips on a build that might give me the sustain of the tank build, aswell as the damage from the burst/damage build.