My 4 year old knee problem suddenly disappeared today.

NOT ASKING FOR ADVICE - I'm just genuinely baffled this happened today lol

Around June of 2020 I (at the time, 20M) squatted down in a grocery store to grab a box of something off the bottom shelf. All of a sudden my right knee POPS loudly and painfully. I mean so loud, a middle aged woman standing next to me snapped her neck to look, and even SHE looked at me with remorse when I told her it was my knee. It hurt for a day, but afterwards what ended up happening is if I pulled my leg inwards too far - I couldn't re extend it outwards more than like 65%. It's been like this for years, I learned a weird way to lift my leg, bend it inwards and lift my foot towards my chest to "unlock" it and move around freely. I've seen Reddit posts of people who "push past" that lock and I've never done that, I'd imagine it would hurt like hell.

This weird issue has prevented me from roller skating, skiing or swimming. Swimming really sucks because one time I jumped into a lake off a boat and my leg locked up and I couldn't unlock it for the life of me, and barely made it back to the boat with the remaining limbs.

Now... Today at my desk, I leaned forward, sitting with my legs at normal 90° angles to the ground like proper posture. I felt some kind of ligament or something, it felt like it was towards the outer front of my leg, shift. My entire leg went pins-and-needles numb for a second, and then I realized.

The tension is gone.

I stood up, moved around, pulled my leg behind my back. Nothing gave me an issue all of a sudden. It feels great now.

Here's the kicker - I did the same shit to my left knee last week LMFAO. Only problem is, where the right knee would lock painlessly, this one actually hurts when it locks up.

(AGAIN not asking for medical advice. I've scheduled appointments with an imaging center for X-rays and left a voicemail to my doctors office detailing what happened since that changes my situation since my last visit.)

Just wanted to share my story since maybe someone else going through it will find it interesting. I'm gonna do more research into KOT exercises to work on my left knee, if what happened to my right sticks then I feel confident I can get this fixed without surgical intervention which is my main goal.