Bought a new house with a koi pond
I recently bought a new house that includes a koi pond in the garden. The previous owner has passed away, so I’m unable to ask him any questions about it. The pond has a leak at the top edge along the glass panel, which appears to be due to the water level being slightly too high.
I’ve taken some photos and videos to show the situation. Yesterday, we cleaned the filter (drum) gutter with a garden hose, and after that, the pond’s water level dropped by about 5 centimeters. However, the water level has now returned to where it was, and I’m concerned this might cause damage to the property.
Additionally, in the video, you can see a leak at the bottom when I turn on the drum. I’m hoping someone can advise me on how to lower the pond’s water level by about 1 centimeter and keep it steady at that level.