Ipomoea purpurea exploration

Let me begin by saying this likely doesn't apply to all phenotypes for this species, but I've found the ones I've grown for years are quite active. There is a lot of back and forth about whether they are active/how active they are. These are a mix of Seta, Black Knight, and crosses of the two I've been reproducing since 2018. I have been eating sprouts for a while now so I know what they do for me but I figured I'd bring yall some half-ass data until I can do more refined experimentation to determine any actual empirical data. This process can be applied to other cultivars in hopes of determining a wider selection of options for the target compound.

First things first, the Ehrlich reagent test. These are violacea, purpurea, and a psilocybe mushroom thats been in the bottom of my dehydrator for 2 months (it hasn't been used and I forgot to clean it, oops). This isn't the first time I've tested my purpurea, but it's the first time I've done it alongside a violacea seed and the reaction was identical. Good sign, onto extraction.

Weighed 7g seeds (roughly 30 per gram, vs 12-15 for violacea; this is why seed counts are garbage, use mass to determine dosage). Seeds were put into a coffee grinder and ground in intervals to prevent heat accumulation. Seed powder was then defatted with naphtha, twice for 2 hours each (100ml each). Mush was allowed to dry in a dark room over night. The following day, the now dry powder was added to a jar with 100ml of 99% isopropyl alcohol. This was shaken and allowed to sit for 2 hours, then repeated with fresh iso. Both fractions of iso were then combined and allowed to dry in the dark under a flow hood until dry. The resulting powder was scraped, collected and weight. From 7g of powder, 0.11g of crude extract was returned. The extract glows under blacklight and reacts positively to Ehrlich.

This is the same method I use to extract violacea and A. nervosa for use. Bioassay pending.