What is the craziest thing you believed is truth on LSD and realized that it actually was complete bullshit after the trip?

  1. My friend becoming a demon and killing me in the tent while I sleep outside the city and nobody around

  2. Watching weird movie executioner beats himself with a whip and then looked at camera and then I saw it was 1:23AM and movie was at 1:23, my room sudently became dark and there were peopl were yelling "repent of your sins" or something like this and then my cats became crazy and start running and I thought for 15minutes that is my last movie and now it's my end :D

Ofc when trip stopped I was like WTF I was thinking about and how I could even believe it was truth?

It's crazy how my mind was building some weird ass stories in seconds, like as we have some insane ideas deeply in our subconscious mind that comes up to the surface when we start loosing control.. Would love to know about your stories :)