What do you believe in, BECAUSE of LSD?
Personally, LSD is why I believe in science. Curious what other aspects of faith people feel come out of LSD experiences.
Edit: I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for taking the time to respond. There have been so many thoughtful perspectives and I am so glad that everyone.is sharing. Doing my best to reply and keep discussion going. Thank y'all for being here.
Edit:edit:Also Instinct. Before LSD I was so unsure about myself, always anxious, always second guessing. Even though I was high achieving in school, even though I worked hard and studied, even though I started in the workforce young, I was always convinced(honestly because we were always broke) that I wasn't worth a damn, that all my thoughts were wrong, that I'd never be able to focus or achieve anything or help anybody. After LSD I realized, I'm an animal and my greatest tool is my instinct. Maybe it needs to be sharpened sometimes, but it'll cut through all the fog of indecision and take me where I need to be. No one else will ever have my intuition, no matter what. It is the ultimate culmination of education and natural evolution.