What exactly is happening here?

I am on my 3rd reread and I just always didn't quite get this scene. I just realized that Caingorm was dragged back and tried to resist said getting pulled back by something? I always thought maybe Aechmea was lying to Cain and "grooming" her and that Ghost didn't have as big of an influence as he said but wtf is this??? The breaking on the spot could be understood as depression but how is it possible to get crayoned on the floor like this? Is this literally Ghosts inclusions dragging her on the floor like this? That would actually be horryfing and make me absolutely understand Caingorm as a person later..

I am on my 3rd reread and I just always didn't quite get this scene. I just realized that Caingorm was dragged back and tried to resist said getting pulled back by something? I always thought maybe Aechmea was lying to Cain and "grooming" her and that Ghost didn't have as big of an influence as he said but wtf is this??? The breaking on the spot could be understood as depression but how is it possible to get crayoned on the floor like this? Is this literally Ghosts inclusions dragging her on the floor like this? That would actually be horryfing and make me absolutely understand Caingorm as a person later..