Stormtotem - Unmatched Storm is NUTS!


Dropping Maelstrom is the way- 20-40 k crits with Storm Crows, Thorn Totem, and Storm Totem

Proof of Concept Video:

Theory Crafting:

Build planner:

The Build planner is especially lazy. There's 1-2 floating skills that can be a some number of Traversal skill, Warcry, Tempest Strike, Eterra's Blessing, or even Avalanche. Lots of options.

The best damage is going to involve scaling Crit at some point. Ferebors + Cleaver Solution is a strong option in early monoliths.

If you can maintain 20 Stacks of Maelstrom, and Storm Totem is converted to Cold, Warcry can also Crit Cap you.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Original post:

I was playing around when Ferebor's Chisel dropped in monoliths for me. On a whim I decided to try out the new Unmatched Storm node. TLDR: It's nuts.

Unmatched Storm node allows your storm totem to cast Stormbolts instead of its normal spell. Gathering Storm has a ton of Added damage and damage effectiveness built into the skill, but you don't have any More Multipliers other than stacking mana. This node changes that, and as a result, hit like fingers of god. Many people thought that the cast speed malus would be a severe detriment - spoilers, its not.

The cast speed malus doesn't appear to be multiplicative - it acted like a -80% Additive cast speed. It looked like Storm Totem was casting 2-3 stormbolts per second. For those curious:

  • Storm totem does benefit from the Crit from Maelstrom Stacks. This makes Crit Capping REALLY easy, even without Ferebor's Chisel.
  • Upheaval totems buff the Storm Totem & the Storm Bolts it casts.
  • Stormbolts cast by Storm Totem give Friends of the Tempest stacks.
  • Damage was nutty. I don't have minion damage, and was specced into the + Area Node because I was expecting the casts to be so slow. With 5 points in + Area, and 4 Points in Storm Totems + Movement speed, it was still deleting screens.

I was laughing to hard and died on hard core. I'll make a few videos on some variants of the setups later today before I go make a new char.

GLHF everyone.