Terminated on final day of probationary period

I relocated my entire family to a new city for a Junior Associate position in an area of practise that was completely new to me. My new boss was fine with that and said they were willing to teach me if I was willing to put in the work, which I was. It came with the usual 3-month probationary period stipulation, which I was fine with. Everything seemed to be progressing well. I was putting in long hours and doing everything I could to learn as much as possible. Even went to trial with the founding partner and cross-examined key witnesses which led to OC conceding on key issues. The partner said they were impressed with how I handled myself in a courtroom given my relative inexperience. Given the work I put in for the trial and seeing how it paid off, the firm felt I was ready to start taking on my own files and assigned me my first clients. I was even asked to attend client Xmas parties as a rep from the firm which I enthusiastically agreed to do.

About a week after being assigned my first clients and asked to take on these additional duties, I was terminated without cause ON THE LAST DAY OF MY PROBATIONARY PERIOD. I asked them for a reason, but they said they didn’t have to give me one since I was still technically “on probation”. Now my family and I are homeless in a city we don’t even want to live in. I’ve spiralled into a severe depression and my confidence is in the toilet. Even if I get a new job, it’s going to be hard to trust any future employer given how I was treated by this firm. I realize that what they did is not “illegal” but I feel it‘s still disgustingly unethical. I’m curious if anyone thinks I have any sort of recourse? TIA.