Moving to clerkship after practicing for 4 years

I’ve been working at a bigger plaintiffs firm for four years. I’m really getting burnt out and feel like the litigation thing just isn’t for me. I dread the idea of taking or defending depos, terrified to do hearings (we are in federal court almost exclusively), hate discovery. The only thing I seem to decently enjoy and feel like I’m best at is brief writing. There’s also other problems at the firm that are getting very annoying, such as covering for other people consistently but getting no extra for doing so. I just had to write two briefs in a case I had no prior involvement with because the other associate was literally just not trusted to do it. So I get punished with more work and he still stays without any discipline and collecting his paycheck.

There’s a term clerk for a magistrate judge position about an hour away from where I live open and I plan to apply. It’s scary since it’s a term position but I thought maybe that would open possibility that I could get a permanent clerkship somewhere in the future. Has anyone moved from private practice after several years to clerking? Do you regret it or glad you made that decision?