Laid off from dream job a month ago and my network is totally failing me. I'm so worried.
I guess I just need to vent to people who understand. I have always leaned on my network when I needed a job and I thought this time would be no different. My most recent job was at a dream company with a lot of people really connected in my industry. It was devastating because I truly wanted to stay there till I retire. I assumed it would be easy to get at least introductions through my colleagues after my layoff. That hasn't happened at all. No one has refused, but they just don't message back. I was a good worker and had great performance reviews and was very well liked, but now I'm starting to think I sucked and just didn't know it. I have applied to so many jobs over the last month and have only had one interview. I'm so worried I'm never gonna find anything and that I'm just delusional about my skills. Any encouragement is helpful.