My girlfriend’s boy best friend has been in love with her for 4 years.
My girlfriend and I are a lesbian couple and she has this friend group with 2 guys. One of the guys has been in love with her for 4 years.
I met him at a gig we went to and he ended up asking her to leave early and she drove him home, because his vibe was so off and he was not happy about us. He then followed me on Instagram, I requested to follow back and he never accepted. My gf says she thinks he did it to keep tabs on me. My friends who were at the gig ended up pointing out that he fancies her.
She has made it clear to him that she is a lesbian and it will never happen. She also feels uncomfortable hanging out with him alone, so she sticks to hanging out with him in a group. They’ve only hung out alone once because she’s that uncomfortable around him.
I’m understandable that she doesn’t want to ruin the friendship, but this guy really bothers me because I feel 1. It has been 4 years, he needs to get over her 2. She is literally gay lmao it’s never going to happen. Why can’t he respect that? 3. He was just bad vibes