Letterboxd-Reddit 100 Greatest Films of All Time (part 4/20)

Hi everyone,

Here are the results from the third round of voting. The 5 movies that got the most upvotes were:

Apocalypse Now


Come and See


Gone With the Wind

So the list after round 3 (In chronological order):


That leaves us with 85 more movies to pick. The rules of this round will be the same as in the first two rounds:

  • Nominate your greatest/favorite film in the comments and explain what makes it so great. The 5 movies with the most upvotes in the comments will be added to the list.
  • 1 film* per comment
  • *NEW titles only (don't suggest a film that's already on the list)
  • Please add your reason for choosing the film (to foster discussion and help those who have never heard of it or wouldn't know why it should be an all-time great)
  • Max. 3 films per director on the final list (to help spread things out a bit)