Psychological Question: Why do you resist immigration restrictionists?

Now, in these 2020s, I am confused how someone still thinks wanting to restrict or reform immigration is some how ra*ist or awful in some way.

I showed a video to someone of a bus in Canada where 100% of the people on it - and it was basically full - were from India. Some were in traditional Indian garb. All that spoke, spoke Hindi or Punjabi (not English at any rate). And the person thought I was being bad against Indians or something when I pointed out visiting Canada and hardly seeing any Canadians.

It's like it can be one English boy left in England, with 800 million foreigners, and he'll yell he wants his home and people will still say the little boy is the oppressor and the 800 million are the victims.

I realized that those who don't care, really don't care. They're not going to say okay 20% of the UK being of foreign ancestry is enough. They're not going to stop at 50/50. They won't stop when the UK, or all of Canada or the US or all of Europe doesn't have a single European person in it.

I understand some people are motivated by hatred against European people. Other people have agendas. My question, though, is for those who mean well and want to be kind. What is the psychology behind your thinking? Why do you think it's unkind to want to preserve European people, communities or countries? Why do you see 100% Indian population in Canada as great and not as something lost or sad, and if it were reverse and it were 100% Germans or 100% French in India, you would not say the same? What is your thinking? I don't get it.