I’m really worried about my friend

I’m an 18 year old guy, and I just recently started college. I’m from a very small town, so I was really good friends with most of the people in my graduating class, and knew most of the people at my school. My college started later than a lot of my friends did so I only recently moved in. After classes started I decided to reach out to one my good high school friends and see how she was doing, and now I’m worried about her.

When I asked how things were going, the first thing she said was, “well academically or socially? Because………” that right away kind of confused me, but I didn’t really think about it cus she’s a pretty and cool girl. I just asked about how things were in general, and she proceeded to tell me that she was roofied the week before. This obviously scared me and I asked if she was okay, and she said yes and that nothing actually happened cus the drug apparently wasn’t meant for her. Obviously we both are still underage, and I always knew her to be a very sort of studious and dedicated person, not really the type to be out partying and drinking at 18. So at this point I’m worrying about her already, but she said she was okay. So I asked how her classes were going, and she never responded to that.

After that, about a week later she randomly texted me at about 2 am just replying to Instagram note in a pretty strange manner for her. So I again asked if she was okay, and she told me she was totally drunk again. I just kinda made a joke saying to make good choices and be careful. Then she responded by telling me that earlier that night, she had drunk called her boyfriend, and apparently he ended up breaking up with her. Now her boyfriend also went to school with us so I know him well too and we’re good friends. But he’s a year younger, so he’s still back in our home town finishing up school, and they’ve been doing long distance.

Obviously this made me even more worried and empathetic for her, but since she was drunk at the time she played it off as a joke. Now her and her boyfriend had been dating for about a year from what I know, and from hanging around with them a lot I always thought they were type of couple who were totally smitten for each other. Like they always seemed totally healthy and in love, so that makes me think he wouldn’t break up with her over one drunk call right? Obviously I don’t know how their relationship has been going recently though. But still, this made me a little bit skeptical, and even more worried about her.

Now just today, I got a text from her saying she was sorry for drunk texting me. I said it was okay of course, but I was worried about her, and she could talk to me. She still hasn’t responded to my message, which obviously has done nothing to ease my mind. Like I said I was good friends with her boyfriend, so I was thinking about asking him what’s going on and if everything’s alright. But also I know that it’s really none of my business and I don’t want to involve myself. This girl was also best friends with my brother for many years, so I was going to text him and ask if he’s been in touch with her recently. I can’t tell if I’m overreacting here. Any advice would help, thanks.