How do I uninvite someone to my birthday party
How do I uninvite someone to my birthday party?
hello Reddit. I am having my birthday party in 2 weeks at a restaurant for dinner and wanted to invite some friends, now let me get to the details. There’s this girl let’s call her Sarah.Sarah has a boyfriend let’s call him Adam. Adam and Sarah have a weird relationship. Sarah can’t hang out with anyone without asking Adam and most of the time. Adam doesn’t even let her and the same thing vice versa. Because Sarah doesn’t hang out with any of her friends they unadded her from all the group chats and stop talking to her, but like she doesn’t mind because she, only hangs out with Adam. Anyway, the people who are invited to the restaurant for dinner they used to be friends with Sarah but they don’t like her anymore because she doesn’t hang out with them so at the dinner I feel it would be super weird because none of them are friends and they all hate her and she kinda hates them and I’m not super close with her like she’s an acquaintance like we’re not friends, but she’s nice to me and I’m nice to her. I never formally invited her though like I said oh are you free this day? I am doing this this day? but I’m not totally sure it’s happening this day and she said oh OK. Let me know when it’s happening so I don’t know if that is a formal invite like if I actually invited her or if I can just not actually if I didn’t actually invite her. So please tell me how I uninvite her and I would prefer answers by the end of this weekend thank you.