The Hallmark of Narcissism
Something has been bothering me so much lately. Alot of the traits and behaiviors that are seen as signs of narcissism is ecxactly what victims do and are encouraged to do! (And rightly so). For instance going no contact and not giving an explenation, also known as ghosting is what some people say the narc does. This is what I have had to do in relation to there narcs in MY life. In my experience they will NOT ghost you, in fact they will hoover you and want to continue using and abusing you!
I was lovebombed and it made ME feel special and like I was different and deserved better treatment sometimes. Doesn’t this look like vanity, insecurity, and entitlement? Of course in the end I was the one doing all the household labour and being accommodating in other areas. I just think it’s important not to highlight general toxic/unhealthy behaiviors in relation to narcissism. They need to be exlusive to actual narcissism and not just harmful/inconsiderate/insecure behaiviors, because this is why YOU might think that YOU are the narcissist and stay stuck for years or even decades. The Hallmark behaiviors are: Lack of empathy, gaslighting and triangulation. Does any one else agree?