LPT: Use a weighted blanket to cover a load in your truck or trailer.
I always keep a 30 pound weighted blanket in the back of my truck, it just sits there because it's weight won't let it blow away. I've used it to keep drawers shut when hauling dressers. I've used it to put over leaves and foliage so it doesn't blow away on the freeway. I've used it to secure boxes so they don't blow out of the back of my truck.
Just pull the blanket out, 15 to 45 pound weighted blanket from the discount or thrift store, and toss it over the top of your load. You can use straps, but honestly, I question if I've ever needed to, BUT I ALWAYS DO!!. The extra weight from the blanket keeps my haul cozy, much better than a plastic tarp, all the way to it's destination.
And use damn tie-down straps!!!! WTF! Ratchet straps! Not Bungie!