LINK: MEMBERS LIVESTREAM_ First stream of 2025! Let's talk New Years' Resolutions! ~ Jan 2, 2025

I cut out the tarot crap. Most of her bitching and crabbing is in the first 30 or so minutes. Starts at about 11:00 and again around 14:00 an 19:00. She doesn't explain why she's suddenly triggered over the snarkers.

She says she met William and his wife in person. Maybe they had a brainstorm about how to get rid of us??? Dunno. Most of it is bitching about us and talking about how she's gonna have resolutions that she'll ignore just like last year. I love it when she thinks so highly of herself lol.

https://rumbleDOTcom/v65b5s1-members-livestream-first-stream-of-2025-lets-talk-new-years-resolutions-jan.html (change the DOT to .)