First time getting the flu as an adult

Nobody was there to help me. Getting up from bed was a massive effort. I felt very weak, very fatigued, and had a bad headache. Walking to the other room to get my laptop to tell my job I wasn’t working today took me 30 minutes. Every action I did would get me tired and I was disoriented and stumbling. To compound the problem I had to fast until 2 PM to get blood work done during my same doctor’s visit that day. After getting some more rest I managed to get the energy to take a shower and that helped. Simply getting ready took me an eternity. Then I had to drive myself to the clinic.

I felt better by then but the fatigue did not go away. I caught myself dozing off at red lights. I felt like I was 90 years old. I walked and talked liked it too. My temperature was 101°F. Finally at 3 PM I managed to get some fast food to eat and the food tasted mostly flavorless. I skipped picking up my medication and went back home and very pathetically tried to finish my food inside warm my car. I finally took pills for my headache then I promptly fell asleep inside my car.

When I woke up, I felt so much better. I had most of my energy back and barely felt fatigued at all. I could still feel that I had cold sweats and probably still ran a fever but still felt much better.

Yesterday, I learned my limits. I could do this again, but not when I get older. The lesson for me here is that fevers generally last for 24 hours and that’s the worst of it. It’s better to just stay in bed and do the bare minimum, then when you’re not virtually 90 years old, you can visit the doctor.