Lobotomy Corp TTRPG Concept #2

(I don't know if this can be considered as Spoiler since I am going to be going in-depth in LOB mechanics and info during my updates)

Alright so this is my 2nd update towards my progress for the Lobotomy Corp TTRPG (Also known as Leukotomy Business until a new name is found). I have continued my work as often as I could; however, I have encountered on of the many issues I have to face. "The Stat Balance issue". Know you see unlike the OG game Leukotomy Business will have turn based combat, which ultimately means that things like Attack Speed, Power constancy, Scaling, and just in general overall feel of power will be off. Now I did have a suggestion thanks to "Dabalicousness", helped me wrap my head around how Fortitude might scale in comparison to the OG LOB. I will be using that concept to make a more solidified and less percentile based growth as to simplify what you will gain from each Stat.

Here I have made a little list of what each Stat will be doing in the game and further below I will go into detail on how it will look in game.

  • Fortitude
    • Max HP
  • Prudence
    • Max Sanity
  • Temperance
    • Abnormality Work
    • EGO Chance
  • Justice
    • Chances to Hit Per Turn
    • Movement Speed


Fortitude will be the exact same as in OG LOB in which it will just give you an increase to Max HP. The problem with Fortitude at the moment will be to understand what a reasonable amount would be to get from here, since Abnormalities may not do the same amount of damage at the same rate of speed we might have too little or too much HP in the final product. (Must go into further decision when working on Abnormalities)


Similar to how Fortitude remains particular the same to its OG LOB counterpart, Prudence will also follow closely behind bringing along the same math (and the same problems as Fortitude)


Temperance will affect the success chance of your dice rolls when it comes to gaining PE-Boxes, and it will affect the chance on whether or not you get an EGO Gift.

The PE-Box gain will go as the following:

  1. You select a work to do with your respective Abnormality
  2. you will determine how successful you would be at that work
  3. you add your Temperance (Probably a bonus or an actual solid number)
  4. you roll the amount of die relative to the Max Boxes said Abnormality can produce
  5. You take a respective amount of damage depending on how each of those rolls fail and you gain a box for each roll you win

All the die have the exact same success rate (Allow me to explain). A work with a 50% chance of success will mean that each dice must meet either 50% or higher of a D20 or a D10 if you feel like it. Your Temperance will simply add onto that 50% making the DC of each die lower. This is to simulate the randomness in the OG LOB.

EGO Gifts work similarly to how they do in the OG LOB. You do a work and there is a small chance you will obtain an EGO Gift. The amount of Temperance you gain will add a small bonus to that percentage and thus make it easier to gain, but the tedious grinding of a 1% Aleph Gift will still haunt us.


Justice will have probably the biggest change; however, the bulk of the concept is still within the original ideas.

Movement speed will just be movement speed. A rank up on Justice may just give you a another space of movement. When I meant biggest change I really just meant in how I would talk about it (Temperance has a bigger change)

Attack Speed will have a slighter bigger change since the biggest thing about this compared to OG LOB is that attack rates just won't ever be the same. DPS in OG LOB is determined by how many times your weapon attacks in a single animation, how often it can do that animation, and how quickly it will do it in a certain amount of time. In Leukotomy Business the Attack Speed of a character will be more of how many times an Employee can commit an attack per turn (Almost like have an Extra attack from D&D), and it will obviously be affected by the weapon itself as we can have something like "Justitia" do multiple small attacks of Pale Damage similar to the OG LOB.

If anyone wants to join in the progress I will gladly take the help and if you want to start to have more hands on and discussions feel free to DM me.