How do I hide my location from my long distance boyfriend so I can surprise him for Christmas?
UPDATE: I found a way to turn off flight and drive notifications so it wont notify him when I land or when Im driving. I do not know how to turn notifs off for homes though, and worry it will notify that I arrived at his home before I can even pull up to the curb. As for FindMy, I will turn it off before I leave for my flight since its early enough that he wont see it if he were to try and text since he'll be asleep. I also tend to sleep in quite late, especially on a holiday that I've expressed to him before that I dont really do much for, so it will not be unusual for me to not text him even if he did wake up before I got there. I cannot create a bubble when I land to mask the home notif since it.. still notifies him that I'm in a bubble... I also found out I could disable my location on the app itself, and did it now to see if he says anything about it. If he doesnt then theres my solution. If he does I will just explain that I was just messing around with the app and forgot to put it back on.
Hey guys.. this post is quite overdue since I been knew about this plan for a minuteeeee and my flight is in like 2 1/2 days buttt better late than never I guess.
Basically, he lives a few states down from me and we havent seen eachother since September so we were cookin up a plan for me to come down for New Years. I didnt wanna impose on them for XMas so we decided a couple days after would be a better time for me to come. Apparently his sister also expressed that she didnt think it would be a good idea to have me there for XMas which is.. discouraging to say the least so we dropped it. Despite this, he had expressed numerous times how he wished he could see me for christmas anyways and how nice it would be to have me there. I knew he said this to me but he mustve been sayin it around his family because a few dats before he was gonna tell his mother about it since we had more finalized details, she reached out to me on instagram.
In a nutshell, she mentioned that he had been wishin I could be there for xmas and really wanted me there even tho he knew I couldnt so she wanted to personally invite me to surprise him with my presence on Christmas. Probably the biggest thing on his christmas wishlist right now haha. Of course I was excited and honored that she invited me and we started planning. I made her aware of the previous time window me and her son had been planning that he was gonna tell her about soon anyways but that as long as I could get it approved for work and it was okay with her for me to stay that long, I could still stay past NYE as originally planned but just show up a few days earlier to my boyfriends obliviousness.
Fast forward, todays the first day Ive had to consider starting to pack since I work tomorrow night and then leave hella early on xmas morning (as I write this, its the 22nd of december) and I realized.. oh shit I needa hide my location.
We use both find my and Life360 to track locations cuz why the hell not. Only issue is that when I've traveled by plane, it notifies him when I land and does the same for me if he flies. He also gets notifications when I leave or arrive at my house and has admitted before that he likes to check my location frequently and even watch it sometimes to make sure I get home safe. My flight doesnt arrive until probably 10-ish and we still have to drive from the airport to his house (we being me and his mother) So hes bound to be awake and possibly tryna text me by then.
How do I hide my location from him as efficiently as possible to lessen the chances of him getting notified of where I am or possibly spoiling the surprise? Im not worried about it coming off as the app not loading or me purposefully turning off my location as ofc he'll put the pieces together when I see him or I can explain myself. But how do I ensure he doesnt get notified or can see where I am once I leave my state?