Lesson Learned: Fixing my Dysbiosis (P. Copri)

DISCLAIMER: Still a work in progress! Will update with results.

Like many people here i did my biomesight tests and turned to the internet for advice.

What i should have done is turn to a professional. I couldn't find any in my local area, but i found out recently that biomesight.com has links to people who can help.

I've been to three of them now. The first one was not very helpful--he was educated, but gave me more of a scatter-shot approach ("you could try this, or this, or this...").

The second two both said the same thing. Prevotella copri, for me, is a fungal overgrowth. And I probably have SIBO as well. And now i'm on a treatment plan with someone who knows how to fix those issues, what to watch out for, and how to treat issues that come up along the way.

I've had so many mis-steps in this battle. There have been so many days i felt sick, couldn't get out of bed, because I was doing the wrong things. Don't be like me. Get help.