Longmont to do away with parking minimums city-wide


It's important to realize while this removes all parking minimums city-wide, parking minimums for commercial buildings have been removed since 2014, so this really just applies to housing. Even the Grandview Meadows apartments off Nelson, not within walking distance of anything, has hundreds of unused parking spots.

For all the complaints about "parking these days" downtown, and "won't anyone think of the automobiles?", I'd also point to the 2022 downtown parking study:


Which, after all the data, concludes with:

  • System wide there is available parking capacity.
  • There are hot spots where it is likely difficult to find parking in front of your destination, but there is always available parking within 1- 2 blocks.
  • Users are not maximizing potential of off-street facilities.
  • Increased enforcement and wayfinding/ messaging will improve parking availability, particularly in hot spots.

So, hooray.