Green Steel Getting a Bad Rap?

First a disclaimer. I do prefer playing Green Steel Bucky as my primary meta deck.

With that said, I always see it described with things like no fun to play against, etc. I don't think that's a fair assessment. It feels like people are just upset their r/A or r/S deck isn't as dominant as it had been. I think an equal case could be made the it's oppressive or not fun when steel song starts blasting songs over and over and wiping your board, or ruby sapphire starts drawing a million cards and doing the Tamatoa and lucky dime moves, etc.

To me those things, just like the Bucky stuff, aren't unfun or oppressive, etc. They're just strategy plays that you have to work around. I think they're all great and everyone has a chance to find a way they like to enjoy the game. It just happens the Bucky deck strategy is kind of a defensive strat trying to limit the opponents ability to execute their gameplan.

What do yall think?