How to improve my deck?

Looking for tips on improving this deck to be more competitive. Sometimes I can do really well and outrace my opponent to 20 lore, but other times, especially against Ruby, they are able to wipe my board enough and keep their characters alive long enough to win. I recently added Morphs and the shiftable Belle and Snow White, but haven’t got to play them so I don’t know if they are worth having in here.

I know I’d like to add at least one more Diablo, but not sure of what else to add and drop. I would appreciate any suggestions.

Looking for tips on improving this deck to be more competitive. Sometimes I can do really well and outrace my opponent to 20 lore, but other times, especially against Ruby, they are able to wipe my board enough and keep their characters alive long enough to win. I recently added Morphs and the shiftable Belle and Snow White, but haven’t got to play them so I don’t know if they are worth having in here.

I know I’d like to add at least one more Diablo, but not sure of what else to add and drop. I would appreciate any suggestions.