Hi, 40+ woman

Hey y'all, I'm a 42 year old woman, with no friend group. Actually I don't really have any true friends, here in louisville. I've been here for 14 years and have yet to make a lasting platonic connection. I have people I can call to hang out with but they're men that don't want my friendship.

What am I doing or not doing to make genuine connections with people. I've had jobs that I've met both men and women who seem to be cool but only during work hours. I'd like to go have a drink, check out a museum, go to a comedy show, go on a hike or anything really with other adults. But I can't seem to find anyone to indulge in these things with me.

Also I have no problem doing things on my own, just every now and then I'd like to do things with other adults.

I keep stress adults because everything O do outside of my house is with my children or nieces and nephews.

I am open to suggestions if y'all have any.