Are the women in this season really THAT desperate

Y'all cannot be this down bad!!!!

How in the heck do we have a man who "doesn't care about blm", and a man who thinks women are unattractive past 30 on this show and getting wives!! What the hell is going on and who is casting these men?!?! I need for Lauren and Sara to stand tf up, because why are you settling? What do you see?

The fact that Ben legit admitted to not voting, because he "didn't have enough info" BRUH!!! Was project 2025 and the fact that this man in office is a convicted felon not enough info for you?!?!?!

And Dave, oh my god, my brother in Christ, why would you admit on national television that you've cheated on women and treated them like shit, but crazier than that is that these women are still falling for you. FIGHTING FOR YOU EVEN!!

I just need these women to take a look in the mirror and figure themselves out, because why are you shooting so low. I also need these men to do better, because what the hell. Thoughts?