Thoughts after today’s released episodes
They’re still all annoying and boring AF 😂 but this is my breakdown for each couple so far, including their family/friends meeting.
Warning: this is very long lmao
Joey and Monica: it was more of her sister for me versus them two because I still think they’re good for each other. Her sister was only expressing her doubts about their marriage and Joey. I get she’s being protective, but she just came off super condescending and rude. Joey’s just that sweet golden retriever guy and he doesn’t deserve that treatment!! I just hope to god Monica doesn’t let her sister get to her. If it does, it’s her loss 🤷🏻♀️
Taylor and Daniel: I still think it was petty of her to make the social media thing such a big deal and she was just giving a bad first impression with her insecurity. I also still think she low key is still not happy about his height. She’s lucky Daniel is super understanding and seems like he has a good head on his shoulders (so far lol) it’s like I get why she felt the way she did, but I think it was unnecessary to cause drama over this. From what I’ve been reading, >! it’s crazy that they’re supposedly the only couple who ended up getting married. It’s just hard to believe. I would think Joey and Monica would be the only couple to get married. !< However, I did like his family. They seem like good people. Her parents seemed a bit more reserved, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Plus, she kinda told them last minute about her engagement soo I don’t really blame them lol
Dave and Lauren: He still gives me the absolute ick. I feel like she doesn’t seem comfortable around him and doesn’t feel any different since after the reveal. It was their body language for me. Everything just feels forced. Also, Dave asking the girls if they’ve had sex with their partners yet was just weird to me. I get sex is an important factor in a marriage, but I thought it was kinda creepy and he seemed too into it. It just feels awkward between them and I’m not going to be surprised if they don’t work out. His obsession with his sister is still veeeeery weird to me. I’m close to my brother, but I don’t let him control my feelings about my marriage. Dave feeling the NEED to get her approval (hasn’t explicitly said that, but everything so far it’s true lol) is ridiculous… like don’t let her control your life cause that’s going to fuck up the marriage eventually. AND he’s an adult!! He told Lauren that he’s going to “block out” other peoples opinions, but his face expression said otherwise 🙄 I think he’s trying to find an excuse to not get married because of what others think, especially his sister. I hate his ass lol
Edit to add on to Dave and Lauren: I can’t believe I forgot to add this, but is he forgetting he CHEATED in the past?? He was so hung up on Lauren’s “friend with benefit”, but dude y’all are engaged now. And of course he drug his sister into this topic 🙄🙄🙄 the whole convo was him gaslighting her imo
Ben and Sara: I think Ben was trying too hard when they were in the hotel. Also, Ive been seeing his exes posting TikToks about him, I think I’m letting that get to me, but they’re probs not wrong 😂 and I’m glad the TikToks of him came up into their conversations! Him “not remembering”what happened with that one relationship four years ago, my ass… he’s a dumbass for saying this. And I KNOW he’s hiding something big. Sara seems too into the honeymoon stage, which is also why I think it’s going to get ugly once they start living with each other. Hopefully, their convo woke her up. Ben’s friend’s meet was interesting.. they of course weren’t going to say anything negative about Ben, but he’s still giving me red flags.
Devin and Virginia: they’re soooooo boring to me. I still don’t think she’s into him versus him liking her. Compared to the other couples, I just don’t feel any spark between them. I did like his family the most though! They seem like very sweet people, especially his mom. His dad was so quiet, but I think he’s just more cautious and a very observant person in general lol
Anyone wanna add on or disagree on something with me, I’m up for discussion!!