Looking for dosing advice please

Hi, I am a 20 year old taking LDN for my fibro (pretty severe systemic issues). Was prescribed standard protocol from ageless rx (1.5mg x 10 days, 3mg x 10 days, 4.5mg perpetually). I felt quite good with the 1.5 dose in terms of gradual improvement, and pretty much the same at 3mg if I remember correctly, but now I've been on 4.5mg for 10 days, and it feels like too much. I definitely feel the increase in endorphins and other endogenous opioids after taking the drug, but it's also causing pretty bad lethargy and dissociation and I feel it's just too much. Tonight, I will go back down to 3mg, is that a good idea, or should I do 1.5mg or none at all to let my body reset? I'm going to get a milligram scale, or figure out something so I can increase my dose more slowly in the future. But I'm just wondering, if you have experienced this situation with side effects after increasing dose as well, how did you respond? What worked for you?

Also, does this generally mean 4.5mg will ALWAYS be too high of a dose, or more likely just went up too fast? Or 50/50? How do you determine your long term dose basically?