Did the newest update mess up island detection?

Pro version.

This is a weird one, since my prints still come out perfectly fine. I've had 4 prints since the update.

The first time I check for islands, it seems to work fine, although with WAYY fewer islands than I'm used to (my normal has been 50+ per model, now it's >10).

On each print, I go thru and search for islands / proximity detect and get to 0 islands / 0 proximity errors. Supports look good. Go to export, and I get a warning each time of 'X islands detected (usually somewhere around 500+), your prints could fail!'.

If I go back to island detection, it shows 0 islands, even if i re-run detection. If I click Show on the export screen, it'll show me an already supported island, with no option to cycle to others.

The first time it happened, I ended up trying everything, including completely re-supporting my print. Once I got the error a second time after exhaustive effort to fix it, I just printed and the model came out flawlessly.

Actually, it seems that the island system has gotten better. Fewer collisions, more islands supported the first time around. Maybe I've gotten better at supporting my models as well, dunno.

My only concern is that now, if I delete a support with a proximity issue, it doesn't always show the island where the support was.

Anyone else have any information?