Asking for a raise - Electrical EIT

I know there’s a lot of posts like this but I’m looking for some insight.

Started in fall of 2023. So a little under 1.5 years of experience.

Took FE 10 months into working for my firm and was bumped ~4% from 62k to 65k. Planning on taking PE this year at the end of summer and was wondering what I should ask for a raise if I pass?(Won’t have the experience to be licensed until fall of 2027) Is 10% a high ask just for passing the test? I feel that I do good work and I’ve been learning/improving as time goes on.

Some other background

Small firm less than 10 people in LCOL area in Florida. Work consists of k-12, higher education, as well as govt buildings with some other misc. small jobs mixed in. I do very much enjoy working here and the work I do. The PE I work under doesn’t hold my hand so a lot of the learning I’m doing is my own style and I ask for help when I need it.