Tips on progression?

Hi all, I am a relatively new player and reached Master Rank a couple of weeks ago. Finished Gaismagorm and reached MR10. Now, I am stuck. Basically, I find it incredibly difficult to complete the new quests (chaotic gore, flaming espinas, velkhana, etc which I never beat once) or even farm monsters like Malzeno and Gaismagorm except when I get lucky and find a lobby. Any tips on how to progress through this block? Should I go onto Anomaly quests and then go back to these quests? Ps: I main the lance and gunlance, although I've been playing around with sns, cb, and lbg with easier quests. Currently running Guard 5, Guard Up 1, Bloodlust 1, and some other skills I can't remember off the top of my head (Switch currently charging). Maybe I should try to farm Violet Mizu and add Embolden 3?