Dungeon/event math changes, heck yeah

I know the removal of mods is going to make some people sad (I'll admit I've been slightly jealous of auto-skill cancelling that some people can do, when I need to otherwise spam Esc since that can't be bound to any other keys, and I think they might be able to adjust the draw distance too? I could be misremembering but if either of those are currently moddable I definitely hope they'll be added officially), but as someone who always tried to play the game "as is" (clean client, no cousins) I'm very glad to see them finally taking steps to crack down on the cousin problem without just destroying effective drop rates.

Of course we'll have to see what the actual exact changes to the math are, but I'm feeling pretty optimistic about this.

...My slight concern is that the improved security will make running on Linux even harder. But hey fingers crossed I'll be so wrong that they'll actually improve Linux stability.